Book Characters

Meet Aelia Blakely-librarian by day, bartender/dancer at night. She believes herself to be nothing more and nothing less until meeting a mysterious musician that Awakens her third eye through her dreams. Aelia soon discovers she is the reincarnation of Eden’s Eve, that her and Lucifer’s destiny’s are intertwined. FOR MORE OF THIS INTRIGUING STORY Go to Wattpad, Amazon, Barnes and noble, and many more.

Meet Lucifer -the morning star. The fallen angel once loved above all others. What caused his fall from grace, the Bible claims pride but he has his own story….one of temptation and forbidden fruits in the form of flesh. To READ more go to Wattpad, Amazon, kobo, Barnes and noble and many more. It’s titled It All Started with an Apple by AmieGTaylor

Meet Lilith, first wife of Adam, Lucifer’s concubine and the mother of all demons

Meet Gabriel, archangel of heaven. The Herald of visions and messenger of God, Lucifer’s youngest brother

Meet Micheal, archangel of Heaven. Chief prince and Lucifer’s brother

Meet Asmodeus, King of the djinn race, master of the universe. The darkness that whispered into Lucifer’s ear and tainted his purity.

Meet Levithan, dark prince of the djinn race and brother to Asmodeus.

Meet Angeline, A black arts witch and wife to Levithan-the prince of Djinn

Meet Gabriella, high priestess of the old religion and wife to the DJinn King Asmodeus.